A very rare antoninianus of Jotapian
Los 1669
Jotapian, usurper, circa 248-249. Antoninianus (Billon, 20 mm, 3.41 g, 12 h), Nicopolis in Seleucis (?). IM C M F R IOTAPIANVS A Radiate and cuirassed bust of Jotapian to right, seen from behind. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm over her left shoulder. Bland - (Obv. die VII/Rev. die -). RIC 2a corr. (obverse legend). Very rare. An attractive and unusually complete example of this important issue. Somewhat porous as usual, otherwise, very fine.

Jotapian was a Roman army commander of royal Commagenean descent who revolted in 248 or 249 as a reaction to the heavily increased tax burden imposed on the eastern provinces by Priscus, the rector orientis and brother of Philip I Arabs. The revolt was apparently not very successful, for Jotapian did not control any of the major cities or mints and only about twenty of his coins have survived. They are of crude, provincial style and may have been struck in the city of Nicopolis in Seleucis to the north of Antioch. Jotapian was captured sometime in late 249 and his head was presented to Trajan Decius, who in the meantime had defeated and replaced Philip I
3500 CHF
2800 CHF
8000 CHF
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